Kollab Live’s inaugural show recently debuted at the Bardot Hollywood with Priska and Gentleman’s Vibe headlining the event. The venue’s interior was vintage and intimate, slightly reminiscent of a speakeasy with its dimly lit interior and Gatsby-esque décor. When I walked in, the DJ was spinning some nineties hip-hop mixed with some contemporary stuff, nothing too overbearing, just good music to groove to since there weren’t enough seats for all the attendees. After the last few guests trickled in, the M.C. introduced the night’s first act, Priska.
At first, I thought she’d kill the vibe when she stepped up to her piano, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Not only were her vocals flawless and gripping, but she made me laugh so hard it gave my cheeks a P90x workout. And as if she hadn’t proven me wrong already, she brought the house down with her show-stopping closing number: a cover of “Wicked Games” by the Weeknd. Swoon. I finally understood what it felt like to be a little girl at a Justin Timberlake concert.
After Priska’s act, Gentleman’s Vibe brought up the mood with an upbeat hip-hop performance. Their DJ played mainstream beats and samples to hype up the crowd, and the rap duo energized us with their unique lyrics and gregarious personalities. I distinctly remember them dropping “Roses,” an Outkast original, which had me feeling nostalgic for a minute. I probably looked like a fool bouncing around the dance floor screaming, “Roses really smell like poo-poo-pooh!” After Gentleman’s Vibe finished their set, DJ ETA and DJ EZ Jams kept the party rolling with some bangers to cap off an amazing night.
Both Priska and Gentleman’s Vibe threw down some badass, crowd-pleasing performances to make the first Kollab Live a night to remember. If you’re into live music, good vibes, and trendy venues, this is totally your scene. So don’t be that schmo sitting at home when the next show comes around. I’m going to pick up a ticket as soon as they’re released, and you should too.
For more pictures from the event please visit Kollaboration on Facebook.